Poverty Is Not a ‘Death Sentence’
Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist and chairman of a subcommittee on which I am the ranking minority member, called a hearing this week titled, “Is Poverty a Death Sentence.” My answer was...
View ArticleIndefinite Detention and American Citizens
I, like most Americans, want to ensure that we punish and prevent terrorism. However, we must do so in a way that protects the rights of American citizens. In his recent column, Andrew C. McCarthy...
View ArticleThe President’s War on Religious Freedom
In his 1991 encyclical Centesimus Annus, Pope John Paul II delivered a scathing critique of socialism, declaring that “the fundamental error of socialism is anthropological in nature. Socialism...
View ArticleOpposing Unconstitutional Wars
Much has been speculated and written since my endorsement of Mitt Romney for president. Many in the liberty movement and my longtime supporters wondered if, as a result of endorsing someone for office,...
View ArticleObamacare Is Not Constitutional
Political observers have described the 2010 Tea Party wave as an extraordinary assemblage of liberty-minded Americans who rallied around the Constitution in order to reclaim their country. One of the...
View ArticleMilton Friedman and Restraint
Lovers of Big Government and apologists for debt like Paul Krugman have tried to paint Milton Friedman as a contradiction. They say that Friedman’s insight that more Fed intervention might have...
View ArticleBuckley’s Realist Foreign Policy
The knives are out for conservatives who dare question unlimited involvement in foreign wars.Foreign policy, the interventionist critics claim, has no place for nuance or realism. You are either for us...
View ArticleNo Aid to Our Enemies
Last year, I warned that giving aid to the Syrian rebels could come back to haunt the United States and Israel, and that we shouldn’t do it. Recently, the Washington Free Beacon reported:One of the...
View ArticleTragedy in Israel
This week, three young boys were buried in Israel. The victims of kidnapping, they had been murdered by terrorists from Hamas.The boys, Eyal Yifrach, 19; Gilad Shaar, 16; and Naftali Frenkel, a...
View ArticleA More Just America
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following remarks were delivered before the Urban League on Friday, July 25.I would like to thank the Urban League, and specifically Marc Morial and Donna Jones Baker, for your...
View ArticleThe Unintended Consequences of Interventionism
On Saturday, our State Department fled the chaos of the Libyan civil war. One wonders if President Obama ever reconsiders his unilateral presidential war with Libya?President Obama went to war in Libya...
View ArticleNo Aid to Our Enemies
Last year, I warned that giving aid to the Syrian rebels could come back to haunt the United States and Israel, and that we shouldn’t do it. Recently, the Washington Free Beacon reported:One of the...
View ArticleTragedy in Israel
This week, three young boys were buried in Israel. The victims of kidnapping, they had been murdered by terrorists from Hamas.The boys, Eyal Yifrach, 19; Gilad Shaar, 16; and Naftali Frenkel, a...
View ArticleA More Just America
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following remarks were delivered before the Urban League on Friday, July 25.I would like to thank the Urban League, and specifically Marc Morial and Donna Jones Baker, for your...
View ArticleThe Unintended Consequences of Interventionism
On Saturday, our State Department fled the chaos of the Libyan civil war. One wonders if President Obama ever reconsiders his unilateral presidential war with Libya?President Obama went to war in Libya...
View ArticleArming the Right Allies
President Obama announced he will send 450 ground troops to “train” Iraqi forces, but haven’t we already spent $25 billion in taxpayer money on a new Iraqi military? After over a decade of war in Iraq,...
View ArticleSimplify the Tax Code, Reduce the Budget, and Balance It
In Washington, what passes for bold is revenue-neutral tax reform. In other words, half of the country will pay more in taxes and half of the country will pay less. The reward is supposed to be a...
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